Bad storm last night! wind, hail, and lightening.
Today was a busy day. We are staying in the city park in Sayre, Oklahoma. I learned to swim in this pool in 1964. I believe some of my uncles threw me in! Sayre is about 9 miles from Delhi, Oklahoma. There is not much left to the town of Delhi, an old cotton gin, a cemetery, and a few houses. The Delhi schoolhouse is across the street from the cemetery. It is now a residence. (Oh yeah, across the street means across the country road). Dad and his 3 brothers were all born in this area. We visited the Burnum property, 2 cemeteries, the Sayre courthouse, toured one block of downtown Sayre, visited the library, and tried to visit the museum but it was closed until they get a new director and some volunteers.
Found the Gentlemen who manage both of the cemeteries and made a donation for the upkeep for Dad and my Uncle.
Loaded up laundry and headed to the laundromat. 2 washers were working and only 1 dryer so I brought the laundry back to the trailer.