Bob's Dad was born here in 1915. Why they came here we don't know!
The population is 1352.
They have an amazing city park.
There are kids riding bikes everywhere.
The swimming pool is open every day until the clouds look like lightening, then they get out of the pool and go ride their bikes.
The equipment locker here at the ball field is not locked.
People leave their car keys in the car when they go to the store.
The help at the library did not know how to print a document. Oh my!
The garbage dumpsters were changed yesterday. A bobcat came down the road with an empty dumpster, set it in place and took the full one back down the road right through town.
Gettysburg, Where the Battle Wasn't, and life is simple, (except for the ticks)!
One of Bob's cousins asked us why we would go to Gettysburg. We told her we had to see it once. She agreed and said it is a good place to be from!